ONCE WE WERE KINGS ebook launch!
Today’s the official ebook launch for ONCE WE WERE KINGS!
We’re going to be doing a live chat throughout the day on the ONCE WE WERE KINGS launch group, and open group on facebook.
Please join in on the chat throughout the day. Watch for my chat status (AFK means away from keyboard, and BAK means back at keyboard)
The virtual book tour starts today with a review by THE TOP SHELF!
Please come and visit the top shelf here: http://the-top-shelf.com/?page_id=1115
ONCE WE WERE KINGS is now officially on sale at:
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/jeio82 for nook/nookcolor
Amazon.com: http://amzn.to/iAWsMm for Kindle
Smashwords: http://bit.ly/lUlOM8 for all other ebook readers or to read online.