Once We Were Kings hits #1 in SF/Fantasy on Amazon.com again! And for a very limited time, you can get a copy for your Kindle FREE.

February 17, 2012 | Categories: Amazon.com, Bestseller, giveawawy, Kindle, Once We Were Kings | Tags: #1 bestseller, amazon, bestseller, christian fantasy, christian fiction, ebook, ebooks, Epic Fantasy, Ian Alexander, Joshua Graham, Kindle, Once We Were Kings, Scifi/Fantasy, Teen/YA, YA books | 2 Comments »

As part of the Amazon.com exclusive Kindle promotion, my recent short novella FROM THE ASHES hit #1 bestselling Religious Scifi Fantasy, meaning it’s the most downloaded ebook in this category (Free Kindle ebooks). It’s usually $1.99 and the 2-day free promotion ends by the end of today. So be sure to download your free copy while the offer is still good.
Thank you to all who downloaded a copy. Please tell your friends about the free offer on Amazon.com here: http://amzn.to/wL70Dh


February 2, 2012 | Categories: Amazon, Bestseller, Free ebook, FROM THE ASHES, Once We Were Kings, Sample Chapters | Tags: bestseller, ebook, ebooks, Epic Fantasy, excerpts, Fantasy, FREE EBOOKS, From the Ashes, giveaway, Ian Alexander, Joshua Graham, Kindle, Scifi/Fantasy, Teen/YA, YA books | Comments Off on From the Ashes hits #1 on Amazon

If you’re one of the millions of people who own an Amazon Kindle, you’ll have noticed that there have recently been more free downloadable ebooks than every, especially for members of Amazon Prime, who have access to thousands of ebooks in the lending library.
Kindle authors are also running promotions where you can download their ebooks FREE, for a limited time, whether or not you are an Amazon Prime member.
Today and tomorrow only, I am offering my newest title FROM THE ASHES, free.
Grab a copy even if you don’t own a Kindle Device. You can read it with a Kindle App for your smartphone, computer, or even in your browser with the Amazon Kindle Cloud Reader. (You’ll need to use Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox)
Download here:

February 1, 2012 | Categories: Amazon.com, Bestseller, free, giveawawy, Kindle, New book | Tags: bestseller, ebook, ebooks, Epic Fantasy, excerpts, Fantasy, Forward National Literature Awards, FREE EBOOKS, giveaway, Ian Alexander, Joshua Graham, Kindle, New Book, Once We Were Kings, Scifi/Fantasy, Sojourners, Teen/YA, USA Book News, YA books | Comments Off on Free Ebook, Two Days Only!
While Once We Were Kings has hit bestseller lists in the past (several Amazon and Barnes & Noble lists during its opening week last year) yesterday and today it hit #1 in two Amazon Bestseller lists, as well as #2 in a third Amazon bestseller list.
Thank you, kind readers for making this possible. Along with the awards Once We Were Kings recently won, this is such an honor. If you haven’t reader it yet, please give it a try. It’s only $2.99 for Kindle, and the hardcover edition is also available if you “must have” the physical book with the beautiful cover art painted by Anna Steinbauer of Austria.
For Kindle: http://amzn.to/se4JY7
For Kindle UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B005Z5FFRS
For nook: http://bit.ly/jeio82
For iBooks: http://bit.ly/k7F5ML
For every reader: Smashwords: http://bit.ly/lUlOM8
Hardcover edition: http://amzn.to/OWWK-hc

January 10, 2012 | Categories: Amazon, Amazon.com, Bestseller, Kindle, Once We Were Kings | Tags: bestseller, ebook, ebooks, Epic Fantasy, excerpts, Fantasy, Ian Alexander, Joshua Graham, Kindle, Nook, Once We Were Kings, Scifi/Fantasy, Sojourners, Teen/YA, USA Book News, YA books | Comments Off on Once We Were Kings Hits #1 on Two Bestseller Lists!
Happy Friday!
I’m immensely pleased to share the relaunch of my short fable “LEGEND OF THE TIGER’S THRONE,” which is free on every possible ebook reader. It’s currently in the TOP 100 bestseller list on Amazon in the World Literature > Mythology category.
It’s also got a nice size free excerpt from my bestselling novel ONCE WE WERE KINGS, which recently won awards in the Forward National Literature Awards and the USA Book News “Best Books” 2011 Awards.
LEGEND OF THE TIGER’S THRONE is free for Kindle at Amazon.com here:
It’s also available for Nook, SONY Reader, and all other platforms from Smashwords.com here.
You can get a copy directly from Barnes & Noble here.

A very short tale of the loyalty, honor and sacrifice of a young tiger, the heir to the mystical throne in a fantastical animal kingdom.
Includes excerpts from Ian Alexander’s bestselling epic fantasy novel ONCE WE WERE KINGS
December 2, 2011 | Categories: Barnes & Noble, Bestseller, excerpts, giveawawy, Legend of the Tiger's Throne | Tags: Awards, Barnes & Noble, Best Books Award, bestseller, ebook, ebooks, Epic Fantasy, excerpts, Fantasy, Forward National Literature Awards, FREE EBOOKS, giveaway, Ian Alexander, Joshua Graham, Kindle, Nook, nookbook, Once We Were Kings, Scifi/Fantasy, Teen/YA, USA Book News, YA books | Comments Off on Free Short Story (ebook)

Forward National Literature Awards 2011
Today has been a big day for both my evil twin Joshua Graham and me. We were both named winners in the 2011 Forward National Literature Awards! His book Darkroom, won in the Mystery Category, and my book ONCE WE WERE KINGS, won a 2nd Place Award in the Teen/Young Adult Category in the same contest.
As an added bonus, ONCE WE WERE KINGS hit two bestseller lists on Amazon last night in the Epic Fantasy Categories.
It’s a great honor for this, my debut fantasy book and I wish to thank all those who have so enthusiastically supported me and the release of this title.
I’m currently working on the sequel to ONCE WE WERE KINGS and just as soon as I’m able and allowed to leak some teaser information (because I know how much you all loved to be teased), I will post it here and on my facebook page(s).
Have a wonderful weekend, Mates!

PS: Please click the “like” and/or any of the sharing buttons to help spread the word! Thanks!


November 18, 2011 | Categories: Awards, Bestseller, contest, Forward National Literature Awards, Once We Were Kings | Tags: Awards, bestseller, ebooks, Epic Fantasy, Forward National Literature Awards, Ian Alexander, Joshua Graham, Once We Were Kings, Scifi/Fantasy, Teen/YA, YA books | Comments Off on ONCE WE WERE KINGS Wins Award in the 2011 Forward National Literature Awards
For Immediate Release
Ian Alexander’s Epic Fantasy ONCE WE WERE KINGS, finalist in USA Book News BEST BOOKS awards.
By DT Media
Dated: Nov 02, 2011
ONCE WE WERE KINGS by Ian Alexander places in two categories, Fiction: Fantasy/Sci-Fi and Fiction: Young Adult in the USA Book News Best Book Awards
Announced on November 1, 2011 by USA Book News, Ian Alexander’s epic fantasy novel ONCE WE WERE KINGS landed not one, but two finalist awards in the Best Books of 2011. When asked to comment, Mr. Alexander simply said, “It’s divine providence, and a great honor.”
Mr. Alexander (the epic fantasy pseudonym by International Book Award winning author Joshua Graham) wrote ONCE WE WERE KINGS at the request of his then six year old son, who read the entire seven book “Chronicles of Narnia” series of C.S. Lewis. Unable to turn down such a heartfelt request, Graham began the first in his own epic fantasy series known as “The Sojourner Saga.”
ONCE WE WERE KINGS debuted as an ebook in May 2011 and in its first week hit multiple bestseller lists on Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com. The hardcover edition is soon to be released.
A hit among adult and young readers, ONCE WE WERE KINGS has been enjoyed in middle school classrooms and will soon find its way into the libraries of schools and even juvenile correctional facilities, where Mr. Alexander hopes to bring not only entertainment, but a love for reading, and hope for the future of young people.
ONCE WE WERE KINGS is available at:
Amazon.com in both ebook and Hardcover editions
Barnes & Noble for Nook
For more information on Ian Alexander, connect with him on
Facebook: www.facebook.com/IanAlex70
The Ian Alexander Official Website: www.IanAlex.com
and Twitter: @IanAlex77
November 2, 2011 | Categories: Bestseller, contest, Once We Were Kings | Tags: Awards, Barnes & Noble, Best Books Award, bestseller, ebook, ebooks, Epic Fantasy, Fantasy, Ian Alexander, ipad, Joshua Graham, Kindle, New Book, Nook, Once We Were Kings, USA Book News | Comments Off on Once We Were Kings – Finalist in USA Book News’ BEST BOOK AWARDS
Today’s stop is a review at Reviews by Molly!
Please go and check out her review of my book. Here are some highlights:
“I sat down to read it on Monday night, and had it finished by Tuesday evening. It was just THAT good!”
“The characters were striking and the plot line gripping…”
“…truly amazing characters.”
“The lessons that they take the reader on through the actions and twists in this epic novel, are awesome”
“From good verses evil to romance and finding oneself, this was filled to overflowing with something for every reader!”
~Reviews by Molly

Ebook edition $3.99

May 27, 2011 | Categories: Bestseller, iPad, Kindle, Nook, Once We Were Kings, Reviews | Tags: Barnes & Noble, blogs, book reviews, ebook, ebooks, Epic Fantasy, Fantasy, Joshua Graham, Kindle, New Book, Nook, nookbook, Once We Were Kings, reviews, Scifi/Fantasy, Sojourners | Comments Off on The ONCE WE WERE KINGS Virtual Book Tour has begun
Happy Friday, friends!
My evil twin Joshua Graham has held a tradition of giving away free ebooks from time to time, and I thought I’d follow with one of my own. Please enjoy LEGEND OF THE TIGER’S THRONE free! It’s a tale of the loyalty, honor and sacrifice of a young tiger, the heir to the mystical throne in a fantastical animal kingdom.
This story is very short, and can be enjoyed by children from 6 to 90 and up! I happen fall right into the middle of that age-range. Also, you’ll get a free excerpt (20 chapters) from my recently released bestselling epic fantasy book ONCE WE WERE KINGS!
This short story is free for ALL ebook readers, mobile phone apps, and can be read on your computer.
It also includes a hefty sample (20 chapters) from my bestselling Epic Fantasy novel ONCE WE WERE KINGS.
Download a free copy for your Kindle, Nook, iPad, SONY Reader, Kobo here:

May 20, 2011 | Categories: Barnes & Noble, Bestseller, excerpts, giveawawy, Kindle, Nook, Once We Were Kings | Tags: ebooks, Epic Fantasy, excerpts, Fantasy, FREE EBOOKS, giveaway, Ian Alexander, Kindle, Nook, nookbook, Once We Were Kings, Scifi/Fantasy, Sojourners | 1 Comment »